

They give me too many nicknames. Trav Mifflin, Travmar...ect. but Travis works fine.Full Bio


The Movie "Superbad" Came Out 15 Years Ago Today - Let's Celebrate!

Happy 15th birthday to one of the best movies ever. I am not exaggerating. When people ask me about my top 5 movies Superbad ALWAYS gets a mention. Maybe I take comfort in it because it takes me back to a simpler time in life, but this movie falls into the category of a must watch any time its on TV. I'll stop anything I'm doing when scrolling through the channels to watch it even though I've seen it a bazillion times. Great movie, great cast!

One of the best opening scenes - when you saw this you knew it was going to be great.

If you've never seen this gag reel - take a few minutes and enjoy!

Wait a minute.....who's that guy? Oh right....he's the guy I was telling you about....the singer JIMMYS BROTHER! SING FOR US!

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